Monday, February 22, 2010

Growing Belly

Just some images from the pregnancy...all I have to say is WOW! hahaha

14 weeks
19 weeks

20 weeks

27 weeks

30 weeks
37 weeks
37 weeks (does this belly make we look fat?)

Friday, February 19, 2010

A plan of action

Seeing how I have Preeclampsia the doctors have been keeping an eye on me and the baby.  Monday I had a Biophysical Profile and Non-stress Test done and another Non-stress Test done on Thursday.  Looks like baby is doing alright, but my blood pressure is still a little crazy so the best thing for the baby and I is to get him delivered.  Monday night around 8pm I will be going into Regina Hospital will hospital bag in hand.  They will start with soften and dilating my cervix with a medication called Misoprostol.  They will give that to me every 4 hours.  Hopefully things will progess as expected and everything can happen naturally.  If not the next step will be to give me pitocin to help things along.  Other option is to have them break my water but I'd rather have the pitocin just in case it does go over 24 hours.  Last resort will be ceaseran section.  That I absolutely do not want, but if that is what needs to happen to keep me and baby healthy than that is what will happen.  With everyone's prayers and support I should be a mommy by TUESDAY!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bed Rest

Today is my first day of bed rest. Due to high blood pressure and too much protein in my urine I am at risk for Preclampsia.  Fun stuff I tell you.  I have a doctors appointment on Friday to discuss what the plans for me are.  Right now I'm 35 weeks and Dr. Tessmer-Tuck would like me to make it until 37 weeks before inducing me.  We will see how it goes.  Hopefully I will be able to delivery the way I would like to, but we will go with what is best for the baby and I.  Last night Paul said that the baby looked lower. The little man better stay in there for a little bit longer I'm not sure if I want him out just yet.  Once he's out, he's out then I'm actually going to be a Mama with responsiblities!  That's alot to take in.  Well thank goodness for big families!  I'll have plenty of help!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

34 weeks

If been retaining lots of fluid!  You should see the size of these ankles.  It's amazing what a baby can do to a person's body.  With the water retension my blood pressure has been getting higher which makes me nervous.  I've had low blood pressure up until two weeks ago.  My next doctors appointment is on Friday and we will see what she says.  The last appointment she was thinking that they were going to take me early.  Which would be great unless it is during the time Grandma is in Michigan.  I know she will disappointed if she's not there for the birth.  I just might have to call Aunt Carol if it is during that time.  Of course I had to give Mom a little grief for going to babysit in Michigan right before the baby's due.  She will be gone from March 2nd to the 11th.  So I told her if they plan on inducing me I want to be induced on the 3rd which is Dad's birthday.  Of course she said that would be mean.  But hey I have no choice on when this little man wants to make his appearance. 

I am getting very excited and nervous.  Some of my girlfriends have already had there babies and two are just around the corner.  I just want to see them all so much friends and babies.  I just want to hold my baby!  God has blessed Paul and I so much I guess I can hold out a few more weeks.