Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas and 9 Month Photos

An old friend of ours came to the house and took our Christmas photos.  Joe did an amazing job! I can't wait to send out our Christmas cards this year!  It was so nice having the photos taken in the privacy of your own home.  Caleb wasn't the most smiley baby for occasion but we still manage to get a several good shots.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bath Time

Caleb has been in the big bath tub for a while now.  He loves his bath time.  Caleb is so content with playing around in the water. It's nice when I'm able to get ready for work in the bathroom with him.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Naked Baby!

Caleb's latest thing is now allowing you to finish putting on a fresh diaper.  He starts to take off with his "Army" crawl.  It's so funny...not soo much when he's got a poopy butt. Hahaha, oh well I'm just going to cherish the moment.  Once he's got the crawling down he's going to be hard to stop.  Caleb is sooo curious, much like his momma.  I now have figured out why when I was a baby I had so many laundry basket photos.  It's merely to trap the kid so you can get something done!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Soooooo excited today marks the day Caleb says "Ma-mum" (mom). 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Hines

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Hines family this past Sunday.  So good to get everyone together and also to get a little break from little man.  Everyone enjoyed doetting over him especially little Julia.  She just loves him to pieces.
Kayla, Ryan, Jake, Paul, Justin, Dave
Kate, Deb and Caleb

Linda, Ryan, Jake, Paul, Justin, Dave,
Kayla, Deb, Kate and Caleb

Kayla, Jake and Caleb

Kayla and Max

Friday, November 12, 2010

Caleb and Cameron

Both brown eyed boys had fun on there playdate again.  I think Caleb might be catching up to Cameron : ) Hahaha... well at least Caleb is going to learn the ropes from his big buddy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

First Words

After a visit with our friends Emery (10 month old), Caleb (8 1/2 months) came home talking.  He must have learned from Emery during his little play date. 

Caleb was standing while holding onto my hands, had his mouth a moving and out came...

"A-Da-Da-Da" then a huge squeal!

His first word Daddy!!!! He's getting to be such a big boy!

Later our friends Luke, Mandy, Mike and Elijah (2 yrs) came over for dinner and some laughs.  It was funny to see how Elijah interacting with Caleb.  For the most part Elijah got jealous every time Mandy held baby Caleb.  Perhaps Elijah would prefer a baby sister to a baby brother.  By the end of the night Elijah was giving hugs and was sharing the tractors with Caleb.

Visit from Grandma Debbie!

Grandma Debbie came over after a little Christmas shopping to play with Caleb.  She nought Caleb an early birthday present.