Monday, February 24th we went in to be induced at 8:30pm. After being up all the day running around packing hospital bags, getting carseats loaded, going to the chiropractor, cleaning, we decided we were going for the gold by having a baby too. The doctor gave me a medicine to soften my cervix. Unfortunately Caleb didn't like it. Within 10 mins. it was working and I was having contractions. Any little contraction I was having Caleb's heart rate would drop. Scary start to my hospital stay. I was then injected with another med to stop the contractions. Soon after that I was having contractions on my own. Everything was glorious. I was focused, Paul was sleeping, and our baby would be on it's way or so I thought. I laid down at 5:30am or so and the contractions slowed down (stupid me). Around 9 am I was dialated to about 5cm. I was the same at noon, but still meeting the doctors expectations for contractions. Later they started me on Pitocin to get me moving along. Contractions definitely got stronger. Paul helped me through along with updating the Facebook world. Later on Paul's mom and my parents showed up for support. Judging by my contractions the nurses thought I would be having the baby in no time. They called in Dr. TT to find out that I was still only at 4.5cm. this was getting old I wanted a new number! It was late and they wanted to find out why I wasn't dialating. They put an internal monitor in me to find out what was happening. Truth is my contractions were twice as strong as they needed to be to push this baby out. Dr. TT gave me my options. We waited a little bit, but Caleb was going into distress. I didn't want a Cesearan but I did want me and my baby to be healthly. I gave TT the go ahead and we got the anesthesiology in the room. Paul isn't good with needles so mom stepped in. Paul was in the room for moral support with his back facing me. We didn't want him passing out. But we did have someone pass out. Mom got way too hot with me breathing on her. I ended up supporting myself on my own thighs (I didn't want to be paralized). I was rushed off for surgery and mom was admitted into the ER. My body was super numb and within minutes Caleb was born. Paul saw him first. He had a cone head and the embilical cord was rapped around his little neck twice. I'm convinced God did not want us to have this baby vaginally because of the cord. He was beautiful. They brought him to the room where I soon would be, then realized he was having trouble breathing. They rushed him to oxygen. They said if he wasn't getting any better after two hours we would have to go to Childrens. Being the strong man he is they were able to wein him off the oxygen and he was doing great. I wasn't able to hold my baby until he was two hours old. He is so worth all the waiting. 37 weeks of pregnancy, 26+ hours of labor, and 2 hours of recovery. I now have a beautiful baby boy!!!
Caleb Michael Lorentz
February 24th, 2010 at 12:43am
Weight: 4 lbs 4.2 oz
Length: 18 inches
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